Saturday, January 24, 2009

Obama Inauguration newspaper coverage

If you'd like to see the front page inauguration coverage of major U.S., Canadian, and world newspapers, check out the link below. It's really interesting stuff!

Click Here


Ana Maria said...

wow!..I checked this out and it was incredible to see how obama was everywhere, literally! He seems like a good man, and our country has alot of expectations for him..lets hope that he keeps true to his word, and that he knows how to make wise decisions for this nation and its current economic situation.

jacqui said...

I really like the fact that some of the newspapers had quotes and slogans of Obama's such as "hope over fear" and "unity and purpose". They just seem so powerful! President Obama really is a great public speaker. It's also interesting that the presidential election in the U.S. is as huge news in other countries as it is here!