First one to 100% wins a prize!
In the latest issue of Newsweek, this two-page spread appeared over the main story. I've had to reproduce it in 2 pieces, but can you identify these famous conservatives? You may receive help if you need it from some of the ...ah, more seasoned members of your family. Good luck!
Ronald Reagan
George W. Bush
Sarah Palin
John McCain
Laura Bush
Gerald Ford
Spiro Agnew
Barry Goldwater
Richard Nixon
Newt Gingrich
William F. Buckley
But I really don't know that last guy...oh well
Ronald Reagan
George W Bush
Sarah Palin
Gearald Ford
William Buckley
Spiro Angnew
Barry Goldwater
Richard Nixon
Laura Bush
Newt Gringrich
John McCain
William Kristol
Contest closed!
Imp was first with 11 of 12 correctly identified (2 Gus points for her) but Grace was first the get all 12 players! 5 Gus points for her!
From left to right, they are:
*William F. Buckley (of the National Review)
*Barry Goldwater (Arizona Senator and presidential candidate in 1964)
*Richard Nixon (37th President)
*Spiro Agnew (Nixon's Vice-president and former Maryland Governor)
*Gerald Ford (38th president, from Michigan)
*Ronald Reagan (40th President, from California)
*William Kristol (Fox commentator and founder of the conservative "Weekly Standard" newspaper)
*Newt Gingrich (former Speaker of the House 1995-1999, from Georgia)
*Laura Bush (First Lady)
*John McCain (US Senator from Arizona and Republican nominee in 2008)
*George W. Bush (43rd President, from Texas)
*Sarah Palin (Governor of Alaska and Republican Vice-presidential nominee in 2008)
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