Thursday, February 25, 2010

Declaration of Independence music video????

Yes, I know what you must be thinking...obviously Gus is overworked and is suffering from severe sleep deprivation and this blog entry is a manifestation of that. Well, the reality is that I'm only slightly loopy and that this video is real.

Soomo Publishing has created this really interesting video by a group they're billing as "T.J. and the Revo". The song is "Too Late to Apologize" and is available by clinking here. It's worth a look and, no, I will not apologize for liking it. There. I said it.


Parisa said...

Gus, the video's not loading on my computer!!!
I was so excited to watch this for about 5 minutes, but then, as time went on and on and on, I got this tragic dawning feeling that it was not working, nor was it about to.
I have been feeling like there should be a song of the Declaration of Independence for some time now. I'm rather dishaertened that it doesn't work.

Parisa said...

Ok, nevermind, it finally loaded.
I found it hilarious, loved the violin solo spasm part, found the beginning of the end (when they're all at some rather modern rock concert) kind of scary.

CaliD said...

umm, okay so I would like to say that I acutally liked the begining, but after the violin started it just got really really weird for me.

Benjamin said...

Here is my historical/musical analysis:

1. If the song was not about the Declaration of Independence, then it would be sent to the pit of doom (AKA Kiss 108) along with Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, and the Jonas Brothers.

2. The Violin solo was actually pleasant and nice, as it added a more auditory form of comedy to drown out all the other what was in my opinion bad singing and music. Also, It had a nice melody which nicely clashed with the, in my opinion, annoying music.

3. the subject of the song was excellent, in fact, it saved the whole song in general.

4. The movie itself was funny, but very historically inaccurate. As we all know, the first electric guitars were made in the 1930's! I'm am appalled, even though it was quite funny.

In the end, the movie, the subject, and the violin solo saved this song.