Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Newsweek says "History does not repeat itself. But..."

The March 30, 2009 edition of Newsweek proclaims that history does not repeat itself but that themes and parallels abound our history. Take, for example, this article by Michael Kazin on how Obama's populist message parallels others in history. So, your assignment is to comment on how accurate the parallels are between now and points in the past are. Does Kazin have a valid point? Commentary is manditory; good commentary is rewarded. Click on the pictures below to make them bigger and more readable.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Name That Conservative!

First one to 100% wins a prize!

In the latest issue of Newsweek, this two-page spread appeared over the main story. I've had to reproduce it in 2 pieces, but can you identify these famous conservatives? You may receive help if you need it from some of the ...ah, more seasoned members of your family. Good luck!